NET Framework 4.5.2 (x86 and 圆4), it just sat there filling up and then resetting the loading bar. – Some applications need this software without giving a specific error message. Therefore, it is better to install or activate this tool in Windows after installing Windows so that you do not encounter errors in running such programs. NET Framework 4.8 Deutsch: Mit '.NET Framework 4.8' steht die neueste Version des Microsoft-Frameworks zum Download bereit. – Some software due to poor design, need a special version of this tool and can not detect higher versions of it in Windows. Therefore, they will not run on newer windows where it is not possible to install older versions.

– Version 3.5 is disabled by default on Windows 8 and later, as well as Windows Servers 2012 and later, with the installation version installed separately. It can also be activated by inserting a Windows disk in the drive or by mouting the Windows image on the virtual drive and then entering the following command in cmd (drive X is the drive where Windows is located):ĭism.exe / online / enable-feature / featurename: NetFX3 / Source: X: \ sources \ sxs / LimitAccess